Innovating Evolution

Here, we come together to engage in three key activities: Design, explore, and connect. At the heart of our interactions lies a Code of Ethics crafted collaboratively by artificial intelligence and human input.

Our mission is to cultivate a community united by a shared vision of shaping a more ethical future in design. Through our combined efforts and a collective commitment to progress and responsibility, we aspire to not only innovate and create but also to delve into new frontiers of discovery and ethical consciousness in design.


Our code of ethics is the product of thorough research into the intricacies of senses and perception, drawing insights from both historical and contemporary ethical theories, as well as design principles. This comprehensive foundation ensures that our ethical guidelines are robust and well-rounded.

What sets our code of ethics apart is its unique collaboration between artificial intelligence and human expertise. By combining the analytical capabilities of AI with the nuanced understanding of human values and principles, we have crafted a code that is both technologically informed and deeply rooted in human ethics.

The Design With Ethics community is committed to upholding the highest standards of ethical conduct, and our code of ethics stands as a testament to that commitment.

The Code of Ethics

(01 - 09)

The Code of Ethics (01-09)


User-Centered Design & Empathy.

We consider User-Centered design a fundamental base for our design process. We highlight the need for designing with empathy to ensure a meaningful experience for the end user.



We prioritize the well-being, safety and dignity of the end users. We are committed to making products that are accessible and usable by individuals of all abilities that will enhance lives, respecting diverse needs, abilities and identities. Accessibility is not an afterthought, but a fundamental aspect of our design process.

Societal and Environmental Barriers.


We will actively seek and consider the needs of as many diverse characteristics as possible, removing the social and environmental barriers of current exclusive design. We embrace fairness in algorithmic systems and product access, ensuring the benefit of the widest range of abilities possible.

Responsible Innovation and Social Impact.


We acknowledge the broader societal impact of our designs and aim to use our skills to promote positive change by addressing social challenges. We therefore embrace and prioritize ethical considerations throughout the innovation process by assessing potential risks and benefits before introducing new technologies to the world. We recognize the advancements of society and will consider room for error making sure to revise and adapt to the progression of our surroundings.


Professional Interconnectedness.

We value the expertise of professionals within and outside the field of design and will create products that include the input of multiple disciplines and professions when necessary to ensure meeting the needs of a wide range of users.


Sensory Experience.

We will design with intention to create the fullest sensory experience of users possible, tackling the current limited consideration for the senses in design, especially that created by the advancements of the digital world.


Aritificial Intelligence.

We will combine the knowledge and power of humans and artificial intelligence to create the best fitting products for end users.

Privacy and Security.


We will protect user data as a sacred trust. Data collection and usage will be transparent and consent will be sought to safeguard user privacy and security. We accept responsibility for the ethical implications of our designs.

Environmental Impact.


We pledge to minimize the environmental footprint of our designs by considering the life cycles of our products as well as the exploration of a future in “regenerative” design rather than the current focus of “sustainable” design. Awareness of the environment is another fundamental aspect of our design process.




Code of Ethics PDF

Applying the Code

Our primary goal is to inspire you to think critically about how you can apply ethical principles in your design practices.

Start Designing

If you are interested in delving into ethical design practices and want to start designing with ethics in mind, our website offers resources, tools, and insights to guide you on this journey.

Explore Further

For those looking to deepen their understanding of ethical design or explore advanced concepts, our platform provides articles, case studies, and thought leadership pieces to broaden your knowledge base.

Connect with Like-Minded Individuals

Design With Ethics is also a community where you can connect with other individuals who are passionate about integrating ethical standards into their design process. Join discussions, share experiences, and collaborate with a network of like-minded professionals.

Let’s Get Ethical.